How to make free call in the world

Today I am going to tell about a free call app which name is WhatsCall. IT IS a awesome app. The user of WhatsCall can call about in 250+ countries . Here WhatsCall user need the points for call. Therefore this question will common. How we can earn point/credit?????? For answer about this question follow these steps.
*every day user login WhatsCall app and click on daily check in That for the user earn 100 credits/points If a user daily login and get 100 credits when he/she will regular login 7 day he/she will earn extra 1000 credit.
*when a user will around the wheel he/she will earn different credit 10, 15, 20 ,30, 50, 100' 500 etc....
*If you invite your friends by ( your WhatsCall ) your referring link and your friend accept invitation and download app and sign up .Then you will get 1000 credit free and your friend also get 1000 credit ..... Now download WhatsCall free and get 1000 credit. If do you feel any problem about this you can comment .I shall help of you.
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